As always, this blog belongs too and is written/ created by me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri. My goal is to end abortion as a so-called "right" because GOD HIMSELF said killing is a sin ["Thou shalt not kill" Exodus 20:13, KJV] and to #savethebabyhumans. I am numbering these for reference.
1)"Victory: Pro-life Senators Vote Down New Abortion-pill Mandate "Quote from "This effort to reinstate the abortion-pill mandate has failed.
It’s important to remember that the original HHS Mandate, which forced pro-life business owners to violate their faith by paying for abortion pills, was a regulatory action issued under ObamaCare, not a law passed by those elected to represent the people. Yet, when the Left tried to pass the abortion-pill mandate through Congress, they couldn’t even muster the necessary votes to pass the pro-abortion Senate."
2) "Women Speak Out PAC, a partner of the national pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, blasted Senators Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mark Pryor (D-AR), and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) for voting for S.2578. The legislation, which sought to undo the recent U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, would force business owners with deeply held religious beliefs to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for their employees. The bill failed to move forward....In backing this legislation, Senators Hagan, Pryor, and Landrieu stand with the abortion lobby, not the people who elected them.” And :"“Women Speak Out PAC already has more than 200 activists on the ground working to expose Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, and Mark Pryor for their extreme abortion position. From now until Election Day we will be urging voters to oppose those candidates who not only fail to stand up for unborn children and women, but also religious freedom – the very bedrock of our nation.”
Quote: "S. 1696, which has 25 Senate cosponsors (all Democrats), would override nearly all federal and state laws limiting abortion, including third-trimester bans on abortion, limits on abortion after 5 months of pregnancy, and laws against sex-selection abortion, according to the pro-life organization SBA List, which sent out an urgent email to supporters this morning" . From :
4) Ultrasound photo of baby in womb:
5) Quote: "U.S. Representative Marsha Wentworth Blackburn (R-TN) defended life at a House Judiciary Committee hearing where the proposed bill—the “Women’s Health Protection Act“ (WHPA) (S.1696)—would block all restrictions on abortion. Would that every Roman Catholic member of Congress courageously promoted the cause of life, as does this member of the Presbyterian Church in America. "
From : and has photo of Rep Blackburn and her tiny grandson in utero.
6) The GOD-forsaken state of Massachusetts is trying yet another tactic to restrict the speech of prolifers:
7) The kill-the-worlds-population-plan of Gates Foundation, with quote: "Just 20x20x7 millimeters, the tiny chip is stocked to provide a 30-microgram daily release of the hormone levonorgestrel for up to 16 years into a woman's body. The dosage can also be manipulated via remote control, and the inconspicuous device is designed to be implanted just beneath a woman's skin in her abdomen, buttocks, or upper arm." - See more at: Remember that taking hormones to shut down your ovaries for 16 years will kill your ovaries!
8) "Empowered teens came together to learn the moral, ethical and logical values surrounding the pro-life movement at the 44th annual National Right to Life Convention, in Louisville, Kentucky, June 26-28.These teens attended “Camp Life” presented by National Right to Life’s official youth outreach program, National Teens for Life. The idea behind “Camp Life” was to give attendees an intense three-day training program that would enable them to return to their states invigorated and ready to take the message of life to their communities."
9) Quote about the prolife movement in China : "Mark Li, who started the Christian Life Alliance in 2010, leads a network of people who are connected through church and ministry. WORLD Magazine says that the group has "launched a network of safe houses for pregnant women, abortion rescue teams, a Christian legal aid ministry, a Chinese resource website and a pregnancy help center." Twenty thousand churches have been brought the pro-life message, and each church saves lives on its own." And " Littlejohn said her group "has an underground network of fieldworkers on the ground" that helps women choose life, and protects women who want to prevent a forced abortion. "Through our network," she says, "we learn of individual women who have had an ultrasound, learned they are carrying a girl, and are planning to abort or abandon her. A fieldworker comes to her door and encourages her to keep her daughter, offering one year of support to help her make that decision."
From :
10) about the effectiveness of showing aborted babies photos
11)"Secular Pro-Life (abbreviated to SPL) is a secular all-volunteer[2] pro-life organisation which works both to end elective abortion and to incorporate atheists, agnostics and secular humanists into the pro-life movement.[3] Founded in 2009 by its current president Kelsey Hazzard,[2] SPL uses non-religious arguments[4] in its work across university campuses,[5][6] in official publications and through the internet; SPL is an American organisation which operates in the national context of a highly polarised debate over abortion, where pro-lifers are traditionally members of the Christian right."
From :
12) Inspiration that all #prolife activists can use-- from Steve Jobs of Apple [now deceased]:
"“Here’s to the crazy ones — the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things…because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
13) My own prolife blogs continue. I wrote about States' rights with the clauses from Constitution on my official blog for Tapestry of LIFE at: And I updated my blog yesterday of : And my other prolife blogs are, and remember that each blog has different content and different focus:
and others that are simple sites that include content that does not change frequently.
Of course, some of these news snippets are very good news, and other items are for the purpose of instructing the world on the issues. Prolifers cannot afford to be ignorant on the topics that affect human life or the public laws pending and the hidden agendas of them. The prolife people in the U S and every country have to be the smartest, most well-informed, most capable with words to fight the "battle" for the right to life for all, before it becomes a civil war in the United States. If we, the good people , the prolife people can't persuade the majority to the prolife cause then, the U S will depopulate and become an irrelevant country much as Greece has and other countries of the world that tolerate sodomy and abortion. Because the nation would lose the blessings of GOD. To read the blessings for the nation that follows / obeys GOD read Deuteronomy chapter 28 , King James Holy Bible, which also contains the curses for those who do not follow or obey GOD.
Also, remember I am a white, single again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist woman and I am the natural mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh, and an artist in all mediums, a poet, author, photographer, citizen journo, R.N., republican, prolife activist and personhood promoter. You can follow me on twitter for the prolife issues at : @ProlifeNurse and @personhood1. I also have personal twitter accts that I tweet about my art and general comments.
I am not copyrighting this post because it includes quotes from news sent to my inbox to help publicize. All prolifers and really all readers should make note in some way of these articles to save as reference or bookmark this blog .
Gloria Poole, RN, artist / Gloria / gloriapoole / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / artist-gloriapoole / Poole.Gloria / Ms Gloria Poole / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / @gloriapoole / G-L-O-R-I-A / words that WORK / Tapestry of LIFE / and other variations of my real. born with, legal name of Gloria Poole, with my professional designation as Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone [meaning no one has the authority to login to this acct or any acct of mine but me Gloria Poole] , on 18 July 2014 at 9:49am