16 June 2014 prolife news added in news snippets by me, Gloria Poole , RN, artist of Missouri , with numbering for reference. These are from alerts sent to my inbox:
1) Truly wonderful news for the tiny humans:
GA Right to Life: "announced the formation of a new national pro-life organization, the National Personhood Alliance (NPA), a confederation of faith-based, pro-life organizations and leaders who believe pursuing Personhood is essential to protecting all innocent human beings in the 21st century."... And :"The new organization will be officially formed at a convention to be held in Atlanta, GA on October 10th and 11th. Representatives of existing pro-life organizations and leaders from across the country are invited." And :""NPA, which is supported by many national leaders, will provide guidance and assistance in helping other states implement these proven strategies," Becker said. "It's time to bring our nation back to life."
For information regarding participating as a founding delegate in the initial NPA convention see www.personhood.net."
From: http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/2179074305.html
2) http://www.charismanews.com/us/44289-pro-life-florida-governor-just-signed-strong-abortion-restrictions-into-law, with quote: "Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation on Friday barring late-term abortions in cases where doctors determine an unborn child could survive outside the womb.." And quote: "The new law, effective next month, sets the no-abortion point at any stage of development when a doctor determines the fetus is viable.
Once fetal viability is attained, no abortion would be allowed..."
3)"The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that an anti-abortion group could challenge an Ohio law ..." and "“Petitioners have alleged a credible threat of enforcement,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote. “When an individual is subject to such a threat, an actual arrest, prosecution, or other enforcement action is not a prerequisite to challenging the law.”
The decision clears the way for Susan B. Anthony List, a group that opposes abortion, to preemptively challenge an Ohio law barring knowingly false speech in political campaigns. During the 2010, election, the group attempted to purchase a billboard accusing pro-life Ohio Democratic Rep. Steven Driehaus of voting for “taxpayer funded abortion” when he supported the Affordable Care Act." [ Note: that is not a false statement since so-called "ObamaCare" does indeed pay for abortions with taxpayer money that flows to Planned Parenthood. Should U S citizens foot the bill for killing with premeditation the tiniest most defenseless U S citizens? NO! ] Another quote from same article:
"Scalia was taking a cue from Susan B Anthony List’s attorney Michael Carvin, who had summarized the group’s challenge to the law by saying, “Our constitutional claim here is the ministry of truth has no ability to judge our political speech as falsity.” From : http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/abortion-lying-politics-supreme-court
4) Quotes:"“Melinda Gates’ claim that ‘the Gates Foundation has decided not to fund abortion’ should not be hailed as good news from pro-lifers, because it’s an outright deception,” said Boquet in a press release.
Boquet argues that their claim to not fund abortion is contradicted by the tens of millions of dollars in funding the organization hands out to pro-abortion groups, including various Planned Parenthood affiliates worldwide and Marie Stopes International. The foundation also has a close partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), which assists with China’s one-child policy.
“While Ms. Gates claims to only be focused on contraceptives, what is often not discussed in public about these drugs and devices—and certainly not disclosed to the women in the developing world who receive Ms. Gates’ contraceptives—is their potential to cause abortions at the earliest stage of pregnancy,” Boquet observed. “Conception can still, and often does, occur even when these methods are being used, and that new life in the womb is then destroyed due to their effects on a woman’s body.” From :"http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/truthreport/melinda-gates-claim-fund-abortion-outright-deception-pro-life-group.
5) Quote: "It's now up to New Jersey voters to become individual lobbyists in order to halt a bill that would legalize assisted suicide. It will be considered in the New Jersey Assembly later this month." And :"The bill has passed out of committee to the Assembly. Marie Tasy of New Jersey Right to Life tells OneNewsNow the bill has been altered. - “They changed the name from the New Jersey Death with Dignity Act to the New Jersey Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act, and they also removed language that would have allowed the voters to decide on the bill,” she explains. “So instead, now it's going to be just a bill that has to make it through both houses of the New Jersey legislature by a simple majority, and then be signed by the governor to become law.” Tweet to @NJRTL for more info; and
- See more at: http://www.onenewsnow.com/pro-life/2014/06/16/decision-on-death-bill-will-bypass-new-jersey-voters#.U58KhI2rduU.
6) Read how to deliver a baby if you had too at:
7) Very good scientific article by a medical doctor on topic of when human life begins:
8) AMA report on telemedicine that will affect all abortuaries if prolifers do what they should do: https://gloriapoole-RN-artist.blogspot.com
9) Real women do have babies:
This blog and all content on it belongs to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and is copyrighted to me. It may not be transferred to anyone, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be saved to disk , nor downloaded, nor printed at remote unless I give specific permission for a one-time use. See another blog of mine at:
https://gloriapoole.blogspot.com on the about me page for more information about me Gloria and the art and blogs I create.
Gloria Poole, RN, artist/ Gloria / Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / gloria-poole / gloria.poole / artist-gloriapoole / Ms Gloria Poole / words of LIFE / words that WORK / Tapestry of LIFE / @gloriapoole / @prolifenurse / , and other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole, at my own private apt in Missouri, 16 June 2014 at 7:06pm
SAVE THE BABY HUMANS is a prolife blog owned by and written by Gloria Poole,RN, artist ,residing in Springfield, Missouri but born in the state of Georgia. It contains original content created by Gloria Poole including original works of art, photos, and sometimes poems, songs, tributes.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Save the baby humans is job number 1 for U S
Hello, again! I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, am adding more of the prolife news and events to help inform the public of ways to get involved in the @prolife cause; & of events affecting prolifers. I'm numbering for reference:
1) Newport Kentucky Bridge for LIFE today @ 1:30pm.
http://www.wlwt.com/news/regional-prolife-organizations-host-bridge-for-life-walk; with quote: "Participants in the walk will gather at the World Peace Bell in Newport at 1:30 p.m. for a brief program and then they will walk across the Purple People Bridge."
Read more: http://www.wlwt.com/news/regional-prolife-organizations-host-bridge-for-life-walk/26275872..
2)http://laynemcdonald.wordpress.com/2014/06/01/be-apart-of-a-feature-pro-life-film-today/ with quote: "Do you want to be in a feature film? We are taking requests for stories to be shared, the truth to be told, and chance pound at the hearts of those that believe different and Law Makers that make abortion legal in this country. If you want to make the case that abortion (the killing of our most innocent) is not healthcare." And " For more information please go to www.laynemcdonald.com or www.indiecross.com."
3) Quote: " The memorial consists of 100 white crosses set in hay bales and includes signs from the WeNeedALaw.ca campaign and ARPA Oxford. Another billboard shows a pre-born child in the womb and includes a Scripture quote from Psalm 139. Each cross represents one thousand pre-born babies aborted in Canada every year." Memorial for dead babies article with photo of crosses:
: http://www.tillsonburgnews.com/2014/05/31/abortion-memorial-raised-in-mount-elgin
4) Quote: "On Saturday at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, former Pennsylvania Senator and 2012 GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum said one of the biggest problems the GOP faces is that their prominent donors try to push moderate and liberal policies that are out of touch with the party's base. " And:
"Santorum, who runs Patriot Voices and EchoLight Studios, which produces faith-based and family-friendly movies, said Republicans cannot be quiet on pro-life and pro-family issues on the national stage.."
From: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/31/Rick-Santorum-GOP-Needs-to-Be-Pro-Worker-Party-Can-t-Be-Silent-on-Pro-Life-Issues
5) Quote: "A spokesman for the “One of Us” campaign, which gathered the [2 million] signatures to support a demand that government no longer finance the deaths of unborn children, said the outgoing members, whose terms ended Wednesday, vetoed the “largest petition in the history of European institutions.”
WND reported earlier this month that the petition sought to ban EU funds for “activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health.”
And quote: "
“The EU must take this seriously because we have to care for life,” Benedicta Lindberg, the One of Us coordinator for Sweden and the secretary-general for the Swedish pro-Life movement Respekt, said at the time."
And : "The gathering of nearly 2 million signatures for the Citizens’ Initiative comes less than six months after WND reported that socialists and Planned Parenthood failed in their effort to obtain a declaration that abortion and sex education for young children are “human rights” in the European Parliament."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/pencil-pushers-squash-pro-life-petition-signed-by-2-million/...
6) Quote of South Dakota candidate: "Lora Hubbel: I would strike 2011 Senate Bill 38, the one that opened South Dakota to Obamacare. This law we passed now calls pregnancy an “emergency,” and it is now treatable with “emergency contraception” or the “morning-after pill.” This drug can actually expel the contents of the uterus up to seven or more weeks. That is an abortion, and it is hidden in our South Dakota law."
7) Review of some prolife movies is well -written and with photos:
8) https://sites.google.com/site/optimumhealthisachievable
9) https://real-women-have-babies.com
10) https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com
11) https://publishing-life.blogspot.com
12) http://gloriapoole.livejournal.com
13) http://gloriapoole-UK.livejournal.com
14) https://sites.google.com/site/ArtistIlustrations.
15) https://gloriapoole-RN-artist.blogspot.com
16) please tweet your prolife news and events and cc: #savethebabyhumans; @ProlifeNurse; @prolife; #prolife; @personhoodUSA; @personhood1
17) https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.com
18) https://tapestry-of-life-LLP.blogspot.com
19) https://news-for-life.blogspot.com
Also, you should know that I create art often and post it to some blogs and sites of mine including some of those listed in this post and on the links section. It is decent, moral and may be viewed by anyone in any country.
Updated copyright notice since 26-May-2014:
I, Gloria Poole, RN artist, of Missouri, own this blog and all rights [copyrights] to all content of it; all words, lessons, photos I photographed whether or not I post them to any public site or blog; and all art I created in any way with any tool for any reason on any medium whether or not I put it on this blog or any blog or site of mine . I also own all rights to any art I create at any time, in any place, for any reason, with any tool or method, and whether or not I photograph it or publish it publicly. I am also known as Gloria on art I create and sign in paint [and in real life] and on the web as: Gloria Poole [and in real life also]; and as Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole; G-L-O-R-I-A; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloriapoole0817; gloria0817 ; gpoole817 ; gloriapoole.RN; Ms Gloria Poole, and other variations of my real, born with and legal name of Gloria Poole. Also, remember I am a US citizen with all Constitutional guarantees including the First Amendment; and that I am a white, divorced woman and the mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh.
Gloria Poole, at my apt in Missouri 1 june 2014 at 2:25pm.
1) Newport Kentucky Bridge for LIFE today @ 1:30pm.
http://www.wlwt.com/news/regional-prolife-organizations-host-bridge-for-life-walk; with quote: "Participants in the walk will gather at the World Peace Bell in Newport at 1:30 p.m. for a brief program and then they will walk across the Purple People Bridge."
Read more: http://www.wlwt.com/news/regional-prolife-organizations-host-bridge-for-life-walk/26275872..
2)http://laynemcdonald.wordpress.com/2014/06/01/be-apart-of-a-feature-pro-life-film-today/ with quote: "Do you want to be in a feature film? We are taking requests for stories to be shared, the truth to be told, and chance pound at the hearts of those that believe different and Law Makers that make abortion legal in this country. If you want to make the case that abortion (the killing of our most innocent) is not healthcare." And " For more information please go to www.laynemcdonald.com or www.indiecross.com."
3) Quote: " The memorial consists of 100 white crosses set in hay bales and includes signs from the WeNeedALaw.ca campaign and ARPA Oxford. Another billboard shows a pre-born child in the womb and includes a Scripture quote from Psalm 139. Each cross represents one thousand pre-born babies aborted in Canada every year." Memorial for dead babies article with photo of crosses:
: http://www.tillsonburgnews.com/2014/05/31/abortion-memorial-raised-in-mount-elgin
4) Quote: "On Saturday at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, former Pennsylvania Senator and 2012 GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum said one of the biggest problems the GOP faces is that their prominent donors try to push moderate and liberal policies that are out of touch with the party's base. " And:
"Santorum, who runs Patriot Voices and EchoLight Studios, which produces faith-based and family-friendly movies, said Republicans cannot be quiet on pro-life and pro-family issues on the national stage.."
From: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/31/Rick-Santorum-GOP-Needs-to-Be-Pro-Worker-Party-Can-t-Be-Silent-on-Pro-Life-Issues
5) Quote: "A spokesman for the “One of Us” campaign, which gathered the [2 million] signatures to support a demand that government no longer finance the deaths of unborn children, said the outgoing members, whose terms ended Wednesday, vetoed the “largest petition in the history of European institutions.”
WND reported earlier this month that the petition sought to ban EU funds for “activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health.”
And quote: "
“The EU must take this seriously because we have to care for life,” Benedicta Lindberg, the One of Us coordinator for Sweden and the secretary-general for the Swedish pro-Life movement Respekt, said at the time."
And : "The gathering of nearly 2 million signatures for the Citizens’ Initiative comes less than six months after WND reported that socialists and Planned Parenthood failed in their effort to obtain a declaration that abortion and sex education for young children are “human rights” in the European Parliament."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/pencil-pushers-squash-pro-life-petition-signed-by-2-million/...
6) Quote of South Dakota candidate: "Lora Hubbel: I would strike 2011 Senate Bill 38, the one that opened South Dakota to Obamacare. This law we passed now calls pregnancy an “emergency,” and it is now treatable with “emergency contraception” or the “morning-after pill.” This drug can actually expel the contents of the uterus up to seven or more weeks. That is an abortion, and it is hidden in our South Dakota law."
7) Review of some prolife movies is well -written and with photos:
8) https://sites.google.com/site/optimumhealthisachievable
9) https://real-women-have-babies.com
10) https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com
11) https://publishing-life.blogspot.com
12) http://gloriapoole.livejournal.com
13) http://gloriapoole-UK.livejournal.com
14) https://sites.google.com/site/ArtistIlustrations.
15) https://gloriapoole-RN-artist.blogspot.com
16) please tweet your prolife news and events and cc: #savethebabyhumans; @ProlifeNurse; @prolife; #prolife; @personhoodUSA; @personhood1
17) https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.com
18) https://tapestry-of-life-LLP.blogspot.com
19) https://news-for-life.blogspot.com
Also, you should know that I create art often and post it to some blogs and sites of mine including some of those listed in this post and on the links section. It is decent, moral and may be viewed by anyone in any country.
Updated copyright notice since 26-May-2014:
I, Gloria Poole, RN artist, of Missouri, own this blog and all rights [copyrights] to all content of it; all words, lessons, photos I photographed whether or not I post them to any public site or blog; and all art I created in any way with any tool for any reason on any medium whether or not I put it on this blog or any blog or site of mine . I also own all rights to any art I create at any time, in any place, for any reason, with any tool or method, and whether or not I photograph it or publish it publicly. I am also known as Gloria on art I create and sign in paint [and in real life] and on the web as: Gloria Poole [and in real life also]; and as Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole; G-L-O-R-I-A; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloriapoole0817; gloria0817 ; gpoole817 ; gloriapoole.RN; Ms Gloria Poole, and other variations of my real, born with and legal name of Gloria Poole. Also, remember I am a US citizen with all Constitutional guarantees including the First Amendment; and that I am a white, divorced woman and the mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh.
Gloria Poole, at my apt in Missouri 1 june 2014 at 2:25pm.
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