These news tidbits are from news articles and newsletters sent to my inbox to help publicize, and I post news and events affecting human life public policies and those who advocate for life [such as me, Gloria Poole,RN, artist] on blogs and twitter to make it known. I am numbering these for reference not as a ranking. I put them as I read them in my inboxes. Remember only those who never read the Constitution and amendments, or can't read English; or who take bribes from Planned Parenthood believe there is a "constitutional right to abortion". there is no such right. new rights can only be created by an act of Congress in Constitutional convention and then ratified by a super-majority of states voting in affirmative for it. See Section about amending the Constitution.
1) "Pro-life centers in New York City have been granted a temporary victory in an ongoing free speech battle"…"Now the American Center for Law and Justice reports the court has issued a stay, so pro-life centers won't face this free speech "burden" while their case is being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
One judge on the appeals court panel opposed the law, saying it provides "a blank check to New York City officials to harass or threaten legitimate activity." From:
2) " [Lisbeth} Benacquisto [Republican running for US House seat] showcased her “A” rating from Florida Right to Life for her time in Tallahassee and vowed to continued fighting against abortion.
“As a mom, protecting life is my greatest priority and I am honored to receive an 'A' rating from Florida Right to Life,” Benacquisto noted late on Monday".
3)Quote: " Jesus Christ provided a five-word solution to such terrible scourges. If that simple, five-word concept were applied, the word genocide would never need to be used again.
Here it is: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). That’s it. Simple, right? It’s slightly expanded form is “whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them”—the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12).
If each human being would commit to applying this principle—without exceptions, whatever the cost—there would never be another tragedy like the Holocaust or Stalin’s purges or Mao’s Cultural Revolution or the Interahamwe’s killings in Rwanda. All acts of violence would end, and the world would be a kinder place." From:
It is written, "open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction." Proverbs 31, 8, King James Holy Bible
4) Bad news for babies in Nevada: "The Nevada Republican Party is no longer in line with the Republican National Committee on the issue of abortion. The western state decided to strip pro-life language on abortion out of its party platform, making it at odds with the national GOP, which has had a strong pro-life position since the days of Ronald Reagan.
The decision by Nevada Republicans may make it harder for the state to land the 2016 Republican presidential convention, as Nevada is one of a handful of states vying for the spot."
5) Bad news for "higher education" and human beings: Yale Univ discriminates against prolifers. Quote from : :"A pro-life group at Yale University was denied campus support from the Ivy League institution’s campus-based,
student-run service organization, a decision made by secret-ballot Wednesday after Choose Life At Yale was given exactly one minute to plead its case to the group’s leaders."
So, the moral of the story is that Christians should not apply to Yale until they change their pro-death philosophy.
Updated copyright since 17-April-2014: Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, own this blog and all rights to it. I created it to begin with, years ago [but modify it intermittently] , and have continued it after I moved to Missouri Oct 31, 2009. I own this blog and all rights to this blog and to all content of it. I created the art and signed it, and photographed it;and uploaded it to this blog. I have the original paintings and sketches. I also own all rights to any art, words, graphics I have created or do create in any place, for any reason or no reason, with any tool or method or brush on any surface, at any time. I have never assigned my copyrights to any one and I do not have an artist's rep or a literary agent at this time and have never had either [in the past]. I sign my name on art as Gloria, and on some sketches as Gloria Poole. Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name since I resumed it legally after my 2nd divorce which was in Arapahoe County Colorado. I removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore by order of District Court Judge at time of final decree of divorce from male DBP in Oct 2007 who lives in Colorado; and I resumed my maiden name including my surname of Poole. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 with the paintings and sketches I created while in Colorado. . I am also known on the web as; gloriapoole; Gloria as on art such as this which I signed when I completed it; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo in which the RN means standard abbreviation for Registered Nurse; and as artist-gloria; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; Poole, Gloria; Ms. Gloria Poole; Gloria Poole creator of words that WORK and Tapestry of LIFE; and as other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole. And I am known as G-L-O-R-I-A on and I had three domains with much art I created with my name written that way, for about 6 yrs until they were stolen from me by cyberthugs. I also had many domains and many with my very name written as gloriapoole in them from years 2004-2011 when criminals broke into my web-hosting accounts and ripped my domains and content right out-of-admin-panel. I have not bought domains since , because there is no security on web-hosting 'packages" because they do not honor business law or contract laws or any laws that I can tell since web-hosting companies do not try to stop cyber-criminals.
For the record: I am white, single again [divorced twice], woman with brown hair, Great Commission /Southern Baptist Christian, and the mother of two grown "children" who are daughters named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and a prolife activist, republican, an artist in all artists' mediums; and a blogger, tweeter, poet, author of children's book, and citizen journo; and photographer. I was born in the state of Georgia and am a US citizen by birth so I have all Constitutional protections including the First Amendment right to publish, speak, write, protest and the right not to associate with ungodly in general and atheist perverts in particular, or with violent murderous people or with alcoholics or with d-r-ug-a-d-d-ic-t-s [spelled to try avoid being labeled as wrong sort of person by political censorship on the prowl]. Also, for the record [for purposes of copyright and law enforcement {because several facets of my identity such as state of Georgia issued ID were stolen from me more than once and they were in tangible form}], I am not an employee of anyone, and Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name {but I have a middle Christian, given name at birth also that I never write as part of my signature}; and I draw, paint, sketch, photograph, tweet, blog , write from my own private apartment in Missouri, which is NOT shared with anyone. I work for myself in other words from my home studio-office which is a dedicated room for that purpose. I think the criminal in Colorado who stole my GA ID and my Holy Bible with my name printed on it, cut my photo out of the ID and inserted his accomplice's photo which is how it was used to access bank and credit union accounts of mine that began in Colorado. I lived in Colorado only a few yrs and was married a second time there for only 4 yrs and ten months before final decree of divorce from male DBP there. Both divorces of mine are public record--one in Georgia and one in Colorado. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 to the same apt I am creating this blog from, which is my only residence. I have NEVER had blond hair even as a tiny child. Both of my daughters were very blond up until college, but their hair is also darker more like mine now. But I know for certain that one of the accomplices of DBP who lives in Colorado dyes her hair a platinum [false looking] blond because she's old and gray- headed if hair not dyed blond. That is a statement of fact relevant to an on-going investigation into who is using my name and identity. I have been reported as blond yet I have NEVER been blond and NEVER dyed my hair. If you see my selfie from 15-March-2014 on about me page, you see the slight grey tendrils at my temples in my brown hair. I reason I earned them! And I'm keeping them. Also, statement of fact: I am not subject to censorship or employer laws or ngo laws. I am a private US citizen by birth and draw, paint, photograph, blog, and tweet from my own private apartment. I always sign the art I create unless I have not finished it and plan to re-draw it or re-paint it. I do not have not for profit and never did. I never applied for not for profit status for any LLC or LLP I created, nor for my name or art. I intend some day to make a profit! No one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere, but me.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri, which is not shared with anyone; 18-April-2014; at 8:21am
SAVE THE BABY HUMANS is a prolife blog owned by and written by Gloria Poole,RN, artist ,residing in Springfield, Missouri but born in the state of Georgia. It contains original content created by Gloria Poole including original works of art, photos, and sometimes poems, songs, tributes.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Vote prolife: save the baby humans
I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist am posting these news snippets from prolife news 7-apr-2014 sent to my inbox to help publicize. the numbers are for reference and not for ranking.
1) with quote: "National Right to Life, the nation’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, today endorsed North Carolina House Speaker
Thom Tillis in both the Republican primary and general elections for the U.S. Senate." and quote: "“Thom Tillis has been an outspoken leader in the fight to protect innocent human life in North Carolina, and he is the only candidate with a proven record of leadership.."
And quote: "Under his leadership as Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, the legislature passed a number of measures protecting unborn children and their mothers including:
• Women’s Right to Know Act (Speaker Tillis led the effort to override Governor Perdue’s veto of the measure)
• Ethen’s Law recognizing unborn children as victims of violent crime
• Prohibiting North Carolina taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion or to pay for insurance coverage for abortion
• Health & Safety Law – a 2013 omnibus pro-life bill that included language extending conscience protections to health care providers who oppose abortion, opting North Carolina out of abortion coverage in the federal health care exchange,
prohibiting sex-selection abortions, prohibiting abortion from being covered in city and county health care plans, banning web-cam abortions, and issuing regulations of abortion clinics."
2) Prolife Oratory contest details:
"Macon County Right to Life recently announced the 14th annual High School Oratory Contest.
The Macon County High School Oratory Contest will be held Monday, April 21, 2014 at the Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center at 7:00 pm. We’re looking for your support to help make this year’s local contest the most successful ever.
We invite everyone to participate in this worthwhile educational experience for our future leaders. The program is open to all students in grades 9-12 to research and present a 5 minute speech on the life issues of abortion, infanticide, stem cell research or euthanasia. Speeches must be presented from a pro-life viewpoint.
Over $2000 in cash prizes are awarded to state and national placement winners and the winner of the Tennessee State Contest will also receive an expense paid trip to participate in the National Contest."
Read article at:
3) Quote: "Missouri is known for some of the most stringent abortion laws in the country. The laws are so strict that there is only one facility left in the entire state that performs abortions. For many Missouri pro-lifers, it’s one facility too many.
A whopping 32 new anti-abortion bills have been introduced that would make the laws even stricter in the “Show Me” state. Some would require doctors to show videos to patients about the risks of abortion, provide state-mandated detailed ultrasounds
and give patients financial documentation. Another law would change the required wait for an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours. Another bill would require four annual inspections on abortion facilities. Still others would increase minimal penalties for malpractice suits."
Read and see video of 3d ultrasound showing baby in womb's face at :
In plain ordinary words, a "person" is defined in dictionary as " a human being as distinguished from a thing or an animal'. What is so difficult for the brain-dead Planned Parenthood employees to understand about that definition?
5) Prodeath propaganda intended to antagonize prolife activists:" Legislative Democrat hopeful Mike Dickinson" tweeted that prolifers are "disabled" according to Washington Times' article today 7-April-2014. . He is anti-life obviously. NEVER vote against human life in the womb or elsewhere when innocence is established; and never vote for prodeath politicians!
6) Quote: "Already, pro-choice organizations funnel dozens of millions of dollars into campaigns, out-funding pro-life campaigns several times over. " The summary that
Political Action Committees with pro-death mission statements spent four times more than those with pro-life positions in the 2012 election cycle, and pro-death monolith EMILY's List spent a whopping $10 million through its 527 organization" explains why Congress that takes millions in "soft money" from PACs and 527 political orgs, cannot hear what prolifers say, while they have their hands out-stretched waiting on bribes, kickbacks, and "donations" and dividends from killing centers.
Quote is from Op-ed April 6th entitled "Supreme' Court's McCutcheon decision is no victory for opponents of abortion".
Also, remember that I, Gloria Poole, draw, paint, sign, photograph and upload art I create to several blogs. So it is necessary to put my copyright notice on all blogs that include my words or art.
Updated copyright since 5-April-2014:
Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, own this blog and all rights to it. I created it to begin with, years ago [but modified last year] , and have continued it after I moved to Missouri Oct 31, 2009. I own all rights to this blog and to all content of it. I created the art and signed it, that I put on it,and photographed it;and uploaded it to this blog. I have the original paintings and sketches. I also own all rights to any art, words, graphics I have created or do create in any place, for any reason or no reason, with any tool or method or brush on any surface, at any time. I have never assigned my copyrights to any one and I do not have an artist's rep or a literary agent at this time and have never had either [in the past]. I sign my name on art as Gloria, and on some sketches as Gloria Poole. Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name since I resumed it legally after my 2nd divorce which was in Arapahoe County Colorado. I removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore by order of District Court Judge at time of final decree of divorce from male DBP in Oct 2007 who lives in Colorado; and I resumed my maiden name including my surname of Poole. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009. I am also known on the web as; gloriapoole; Gloria as on art such as this which I signed when I completed it; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo in which the RN means standard abbreviation for Registered Nurse; and as artist-gloria; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; Poole, Gloria; Ms. Gloria Poole; Gloria Poole creator of words that WORK and Tapestry of LIFE; and as other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole. And I am known as G-L-O-R-I-A on and I had three domains with much art I created with my name written that way, for about 6 yrs until they were stolen from me by cyberthugs. I also had many domains and many with my very name written as gloriapoole in them from years 2004-2011 when criminals broke into my web-hosting accounts and ripped my domains and content right out-of-admin-panel. I have not bought domains since , because there is no security on web-hosting 'packages" because they do not honor business law or contract laws or any laws that I can tell since web-hosting companies do not try to stop cyber-criminals.
For the record: I am white, single again [divorced twice], woman with brown hair, Southern Baptist Christian, and the mother of two grown "children" who are daughters named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and an artist in all artists' mediums; and a blogger, tweeter, poet, author of children's book, and citizen journo; and photographer. I was born in the state of Georgia and am a US citizen by birth so I have all Constitutional protections including the First Amendment right to publish, speak, write, protest and the right not to associate with ungodly in general and atheist perverts in particular, or with violent murderous people or with alcoholics or with d-r-ug-a-d-d-ic-t-s [spelled to try avoid being labeled as wrong sort of person by political censorship on the prowl].
Also, for the record [for purposes of copyright and law enforcement {because several facets of my identity such as state of Georgia issued ID were stolen from me more than once and they were in tangible form}], I am not an employee of anyone, and Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name {but I have a middle Christian, given name at birth also that I never write as part of my signature}; and I draw, paint, sketch, photograph, tweet, blog , write from my own private apartment in Missouri, which is NOT shared with anyone. I work for myself in other words from my home studio-office which is a dedicated room for that purpose. I think the criminal who stole my GA ID and my Holy Bible with my name printed on it, cut my photo out of the ID and inserted his accomplice's photo which is how it was used to access bank and credit union accounts of mine that began in Colorado. I lived in Colorado only a few yrs and was married a second time there for only 4 yrs and ten months before final decree of divorce from male DBP there. Both divorces of mine are public record--one in Georgia and one in Colorado. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 to the same apt I am creating this blog from, which is my only residence.
I have NEVER had blond hair even as a tiny child. Both of my daughters were very blond up until college, but their hair is also darker more like mine now. But I know for certain that one of the accomplices of DBP who lives in Colorado dyes her hair a platinum [false looking] blond because she's old and gray- headed if hair not dyed blond. That is a statement of fact relevant to an on-going investigation into who is using my name and identity. I have been reported as blond yet I have NEVER been blond and NEVER dyed my hair. If you see my selfie from 15-March-2014 on about me page, you see the slight grey tendrils at my temples in my hair. I reason I earned them! And I'm keeping them.
Also as a statement of fact, I am a private citizen and not an employee of anyone. No one has the legal right to sign into any online acct of mine but me. I write under the auspices of The First Amendment as a citizen of the U.S. and am not subject to censorship laws in any capacity.
Also, you can follow me on twitter : @ProlifeNurse; @personhood1 and in my name twitter accts of @gloriapoole. I have other blogs and other twitter accts also.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri which is my only residence, 7-April-2014; at 12:29pm
1) with quote: "National Right to Life, the nation’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, today endorsed North Carolina House Speaker
Thom Tillis in both the Republican primary and general elections for the U.S. Senate." and quote: "“Thom Tillis has been an outspoken leader in the fight to protect innocent human life in North Carolina, and he is the only candidate with a proven record of leadership.."
And quote: "Under his leadership as Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, the legislature passed a number of measures protecting unborn children and their mothers including:
• Women’s Right to Know Act (Speaker Tillis led the effort to override Governor Perdue’s veto of the measure)
• Ethen’s Law recognizing unborn children as victims of violent crime
• Prohibiting North Carolina taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion or to pay for insurance coverage for abortion
• Health & Safety Law – a 2013 omnibus pro-life bill that included language extending conscience protections to health care providers who oppose abortion, opting North Carolina out of abortion coverage in the federal health care exchange,
prohibiting sex-selection abortions, prohibiting abortion from being covered in city and county health care plans, banning web-cam abortions, and issuing regulations of abortion clinics."
2) Prolife Oratory contest details:
"Macon County Right to Life recently announced the 14th annual High School Oratory Contest.
The Macon County High School Oratory Contest will be held Monday, April 21, 2014 at the Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center at 7:00 pm. We’re looking for your support to help make this year’s local contest the most successful ever.
We invite everyone to participate in this worthwhile educational experience for our future leaders. The program is open to all students in grades 9-12 to research and present a 5 minute speech on the life issues of abortion, infanticide, stem cell research or euthanasia. Speeches must be presented from a pro-life viewpoint.
Over $2000 in cash prizes are awarded to state and national placement winners and the winner of the Tennessee State Contest will also receive an expense paid trip to participate in the National Contest."
Read article at:
3) Quote: "Missouri is known for some of the most stringent abortion laws in the country. The laws are so strict that there is only one facility left in the entire state that performs abortions. For many Missouri pro-lifers, it’s one facility too many.
A whopping 32 new anti-abortion bills have been introduced that would make the laws even stricter in the “Show Me” state. Some would require doctors to show videos to patients about the risks of abortion, provide state-mandated detailed ultrasounds
and give patients financial documentation. Another law would change the required wait for an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours. Another bill would require four annual inspections on abortion facilities. Still others would increase minimal penalties for malpractice suits."
Read and see video of 3d ultrasound showing baby in womb's face at :
In plain ordinary words, a "person" is defined in dictionary as " a human being as distinguished from a thing or an animal'. What is so difficult for the brain-dead Planned Parenthood employees to understand about that definition?
5) Prodeath propaganda intended to antagonize prolife activists:" Legislative Democrat hopeful Mike Dickinson" tweeted that prolifers are "disabled" according to Washington Times' article today 7-April-2014. . He is anti-life obviously. NEVER vote against human life in the womb or elsewhere when innocence is established; and never vote for prodeath politicians!
6) Quote: "Already, pro-choice organizations funnel dozens of millions of dollars into campaigns, out-funding pro-life campaigns several times over. " The summary that
Political Action Committees with pro-death mission statements spent four times more than those with pro-life positions in the 2012 election cycle, and pro-death monolith EMILY's List spent a whopping $10 million through its 527 organization" explains why Congress that takes millions in "soft money" from PACs and 527 political orgs, cannot hear what prolifers say, while they have their hands out-stretched waiting on bribes, kickbacks, and "donations" and dividends from killing centers.
Quote is from Op-ed April 6th entitled "Supreme' Court's McCutcheon decision is no victory for opponents of abortion".
Also, remember that I, Gloria Poole, draw, paint, sign, photograph and upload art I create to several blogs. So it is necessary to put my copyright notice on all blogs that include my words or art.
Updated copyright since 5-April-2014:
Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in state of Georgia, own this blog and all rights to it. I created it to begin with, years ago [but modified last year] , and have continued it after I moved to Missouri Oct 31, 2009. I own all rights to this blog and to all content of it. I created the art and signed it, that I put on it,and photographed it;and uploaded it to this blog. I have the original paintings and sketches. I also own all rights to any art, words, graphics I have created or do create in any place, for any reason or no reason, with any tool or method or brush on any surface, at any time. I have never assigned my copyrights to any one and I do not have an artist's rep or a literary agent at this time and have never had either [in the past]. I sign my name on art as Gloria, and on some sketches as Gloria Poole. Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name since I resumed it legally after my 2nd divorce which was in Arapahoe County Colorado. I removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore by order of District Court Judge at time of final decree of divorce from male DBP in Oct 2007 who lives in Colorado; and I resumed my maiden name including my surname of Poole. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009. I am also known on the web as; gloriapoole; Gloria as on art such as this which I signed when I completed it; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo in which the RN means standard abbreviation for Registered Nurse; and as artist-gloria; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; Poole, Gloria; Ms. Gloria Poole; Gloria Poole creator of words that WORK and Tapestry of LIFE; and as other variations of my real, born with, legal name of Gloria Poole. And I am known as G-L-O-R-I-A on and I had three domains with much art I created with my name written that way, for about 6 yrs until they were stolen from me by cyberthugs. I also had many domains and many with my very name written as gloriapoole in them from years 2004-2011 when criminals broke into my web-hosting accounts and ripped my domains and content right out-of-admin-panel. I have not bought domains since , because there is no security on web-hosting 'packages" because they do not honor business law or contract laws or any laws that I can tell since web-hosting companies do not try to stop cyber-criminals.
For the record: I am white, single again [divorced twice], woman with brown hair, Southern Baptist Christian, and the mother of two grown "children" who are daughters named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and an artist in all artists' mediums; and a blogger, tweeter, poet, author of children's book, and citizen journo; and photographer. I was born in the state of Georgia and am a US citizen by birth so I have all Constitutional protections including the First Amendment right to publish, speak, write, protest and the right not to associate with ungodly in general and atheist perverts in particular, or with violent murderous people or with alcoholics or with d-r-ug-a-d-d-ic-t-s [spelled to try avoid being labeled as wrong sort of person by political censorship on the prowl].
Also, for the record [for purposes of copyright and law enforcement {because several facets of my identity such as state of Georgia issued ID were stolen from me more than once and they were in tangible form}], I am not an employee of anyone, and Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name {but I have a middle Christian, given name at birth also that I never write as part of my signature}; and I draw, paint, sketch, photograph, tweet, blog , write from my own private apartment in Missouri, which is NOT shared with anyone. I work for myself in other words from my home studio-office which is a dedicated room for that purpose. I think the criminal who stole my GA ID and my Holy Bible with my name printed on it, cut my photo out of the ID and inserted his accomplice's photo which is how it was used to access bank and credit union accounts of mine that began in Colorado. I lived in Colorado only a few yrs and was married a second time there for only 4 yrs and ten months before final decree of divorce from male DBP there. Both divorces of mine are public record--one in Georgia and one in Colorado. I moved to Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 to the same apt I am creating this blog from, which is my only residence.
I have NEVER had blond hair even as a tiny child. Both of my daughters were very blond up until college, but their hair is also darker more like mine now. But I know for certain that one of the accomplices of DBP who lives in Colorado dyes her hair a platinum [false looking] blond because she's old and gray- headed if hair not dyed blond. That is a statement of fact relevant to an on-going investigation into who is using my name and identity. I have been reported as blond yet I have NEVER been blond and NEVER dyed my hair. If you see my selfie from 15-March-2014 on about me page, you see the slight grey tendrils at my temples in my hair. I reason I earned them! And I'm keeping them.
Also as a statement of fact, I am a private citizen and not an employee of anyone. No one has the legal right to sign into any online acct of mine but me. I write under the auspices of The First Amendment as a citizen of the U.S. and am not subject to censorship laws in any capacity.
Also, you can follow me on twitter : @ProlifeNurse; @personhood1 and in my name twitter accts of @gloriapoole. I have other blogs and other twitter accts also.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri which is my only residence, 7-April-2014; at 12:29pm
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