These news snippets are from news letters and or emails sent to me, for the purpose of helping to publicize. From The Spokesman [news] of Spokane Washington with website of : these quotes:
"Regarding George Hale’s “Pro-lifers are inconsistent” (March 10), I’m qualified to speak. He’s aghast a man like me could support the death penalty for a lawbreaker, and yet not support the gruesome death of an unborn who has broken no laws.
Hmmm. An adult poised to experience the death penalty has been thoroughly examined for irreparable harm to society. A baby poised to experience the death penalty has done exactly what? Irrationality reigns in a society that justifies its own convenience." These quotes from The Spokeman Review and are the words of Bruce Hogan, per that link. This was sent to my inbox as prolife news, to help publicize.
Also, from of The Daily Times (news) of Farmington, New Mexico, these quotes: "Large pro-life/anti-abortion signs have been showing up in prominent locations throughout the county over the past few years, containing messages such as "God is pro-life," "Abortion is always the wrong choice," and "Please don't believe the lies, abortion kills a baby."
From Red Alert Politics at : this info: "According to Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), America’s youth is the most important tool for the pro-life movement.
“I am lifted up every single day by the young people that are willing to give the sanctity of life and the pro-life movement a voice,” Wagner said during the panel.
Tim Goeglein, Vice President of Focus on the Family, added that he was astonished by how many young people traveled all the way to Washington, D.C. for March for Life this year.
“It is amazing the number of young people who come,” he said. “They are motivated by the social justice aspect of the pro-life movement. He added: “I think it’s the reason why Roe will eventually be overturned. Even ultrasounds, which have historically been the key instrument in spreading the pro-life movement throughout the United States, are being modernized for America’s youth. Interested individuals can now download an app to their smartphone that allows them to see and hear their baby’s ultrasound."
And this news: "the Pro-Life Aggies of Texas A&M University have started a scholarship fund that awards one to two scholarships to parenting students every semester. In order to fund the scholarship, the Aggies host an annual 5k Fun Run, and 100% of the proceeds go directly towards assisting A&M’s pregnant and parenting students." That quote from article in Live Action News at: . Also, they are helping sponsor the "Pregnant on Campus Initiative" of that is the most wonderful cause of saving human babies from destruction while their mothers are University students. One of the things they are doing is putting baby changing stations on college campuses, and providing scholarship money and moral support to women who get pregnant while in college.
It energizes me to see that the prolife momentum is sweeping the nation, particularly on college campuses.
Repeat for emphasis: North Dakota is the first state in the nation to ban abortions after the heartbeat of the baby in the womb is heard by doppler. That is truly a breakthrough, and I am praying that all states do likewise. It is acknowledgement that humans in the womb are human with a beating heart, and all organs fully developed within weeks after the male sperm enters the female egg.
This is a brief summary of prolifers who are doing something to SAVE THE BABY HUMANS.
Please be one of the "good guys" --join the prolife cause.
The things you can do to help are:
write letters to your local news editor;
blog on the topic, research, find the news about prolife events, publicize them;
create art, graphics, photographs illustrating the truth of the humanity in the womb
write songs, poems, publish them on web to promote, encourage women to give birth to living babies, and to encourage men to be bold for their offspring;
march in the street holding signs or cards. posters
give as money or time as you can to the cause
talk to your children, friends, church, Pastor on the subject--make your voices heard
run for office and commit it to The Lord, who is looking for men to stand in the gap for this nation ;
put up prolife billboards
speak in churches, town hall meetings, and refuse to be shushed on the topic
email everyone you know [in spurts of activity so not labeled by isp] to ask them to voye prolife
send the prolife scriptures on your envelopes with stickers, hand written scripture;
P.U.S.H* for truth to break through to the nation, to overcome the propaganda of the prodeathers.
Support with prayer, occasional meals, encouragement the prolifers because to be actively prolife and very visible about it, in the U.S is equivalent in risk to the risks the abolitionists took in the 1860's . Because there is a shadow government of planned unparenthood that has much money, many bought legislators, and many bought Judges who have created a stranglehold on schools, universities, Congress, news agencies etc, that is only slowly beginning to splinter into fragments.
* footnote: P.U.S.H means pray until something happens!
Gloria Poole,RN and artist ; @ my apt in Missouri; 17-March-2013 @ 1:12pm.
Repeat for emphasis: North Dakota is the first state in the nation to ban abortions after the heartbeat of the baby in the womb is heard by doppler. That is truly a breakthrough, and I am praying that all states do likewise. It is acknowledgement that humans in the womb are human with a beating heart, and all organs fully developed within weeks after the male sperm enters the female egg.
This is a brief summary of prolifers who are doing something to SAVE THE BABY HUMANS.
Please be one of the "good guys" --join the prolife cause.
The things you can do to help are:
write letters to your local news editor;
blog on the topic, research, find the news about prolife events, publicize them;
create art, graphics, photographs illustrating the truth of the humanity in the womb
write songs, poems, publish them on web to promote, encourage women to give birth to living babies, and to encourage men to be bold for their offspring;
march in the street holding signs or cards. posters
give as money or time as you can to the cause
talk to your children, friends, church, Pastor on the subject--make your voices heard
run for office and commit it to The Lord, who is looking for men to stand in the gap for this nation ;
put up prolife billboards
speak in churches, town hall meetings, and refuse to be shushed on the topic
email everyone you know [in spurts of activity so not labeled by isp] to ask them to voye prolife
send the prolife scriptures on your envelopes with stickers, hand written scripture;
P.U.S.H* for truth to break through to the nation, to overcome the propaganda of the prodeathers.
Support with prayer, occasional meals, encouragement the prolifers because to be actively prolife and very visible about it, in the U.S is equivalent in risk to the risks the abolitionists took in the 1860's . Because there is a shadow government of planned unparenthood that has much money, many bought legislators, and many bought Judges who have created a stranglehold on schools, universities, Congress, news agencies etc, that is only slowly beginning to splinter into fragments.
* footnote: P.U.S.H means pray until something happens!
Gloria Poole,RN and artist ; @ my apt in Missouri; 17-March-2013 @ 1:12pm.